Custom designs for small, medium, or large pedalboards.

Small Pedalboard
$695.00 (Base Price)
- Pedalboard 20x15
- Up to 8 pedals (all 9V DC)
- Voodoo Lab Power Pedal 2 Plus
- Single interface
- Professional grade shielded cable with soldered high-quality ends

Medium Pedalboard
$895.00 (Base Price)
- Pedalboard 20x15 - 30x17
- Up to 12 pedals of varying voltages
- Voodoo Lab Power Pedal 2 Plus/ISO 5
- Single interface
- Professional grade shielded cable with soldered high-quality ends

Large Pedalboard
$1095.00 (Base Price)
- Pedalboard 30x17 - 42x18
- Up to 18 pedals of varying voltages
- Voodoo Lab Power Pedal 2 Plus and Digital or Custom power supply
- Single interface including buffer if required
- 1 custom switch box (a/b, mute, loop)
- Professional grade shielded cable with soldered high-quality ends
- Custom pedal platforms if required